Please review the following for the requirements on having commissions paid to an LLC. 

TREC Rules for compensation to an LLC effective 1/1/2024

Rules 1/1/2024 An agent will now be able to have an LLC or S-Corp ONLY for

receiving compensation. This LLC or S-Corp will do no other type of business.

1. The LLC or S Corp must have ownership of at least 51% by a licensed real

estate agent or broker

2. The LLC or S Corp must be used only for receiving real estate commissions

and compensation.

3. The broker can not pay this LLC or S-Corp until the brokerage can verify it is

registered with TREC.

Please read the following online information on the TREC website for further

details and requirements.

Please note, we CANNOT pay your DBA, only the LLC with proof of the above. 

Please consult your CPA for any tax advice.


Click the link below to complete the

LLC  information form and w9: 

Let us know if you have any questions!