How to access Landing Pages
Begin by navigating to the Lead Engine in your left hand navigation menu
Next, select the domain you want to post the landing page to, then click on 'START BUILDING.'
You'll then be presented with a kind of default or placeholder page. This entire page is customize-able. All of the text, buttons, backgrounds, and functionality can be changed.
Landing Page Components
Page Types
Starting at the top left, you have to choose what kind of page you want to build.
This menu is broken into three sections.
Main Options
KV Inspired
These examples are not built for you to use.
If you like them, you need to re-create them using one of the main options above.
Top 10 converting
These examples are not built for you to use.
If you like them, you need to re-create them using one of the main options above.
Your main options are what you are going to choose from. Each represents a different kind of landing page functionality. The other two sections are examples you can click on to see what they look like, and to get ideas for how you want your page to look.
The Main Options are as follows:
Lead Generation - This page type is your standard. It provides two fields where people can insert their email and phone number, and a button to submit it. You have the option of sending that person to another page using the 'URL After Login' field at the top. What this means, is that after someone enters at least an email and clicks on the orange button, they are re-directed to a URL of your choice. It could be a squeeze page or even a page that has nothing to do with your kvCORE site.
Video View - This page loads your content as well as a video that starts playing when the page loads. You can set it to automatically take that user to another page using the 'URL After Video' option. If the click the button at the bottom they could skip the video and continue on to that URL. A YouTube video ID is required in order to load a video onto the page. To get a video ID, open your video on YouTube and copy the ID after the V= in the URL.
Video + Lead - This page combines the functionality of both the Lead Generation page and the video view page. So, you can have a video landing page that uses a hashtag as well as a lead signup form.
Content Hijack - This page allows you to perform a classic marketing tactic, where you offer something that someone wants in your ad, but when they click on the add, you offer them something else instead (but you still give them the option for what they thought they were getting. So, to accomplish this, you have a 'URL that you want' which is what the lead will be taken to if they click the orange button, and the 'URL they want' if they click the link that says 'No thanks.'
Text Lead - A simple page that is designed for mobile use. You can create a custom text code, then use it in this landing page for a mobile ad. If the user taps the button, it opens up a text message compose window with your smart number in it.
Address Capture - This kind of lets you build your own sell page. All you do is specify the hashtag you want the seller lead to have if they get captured.
Facebook Chat - The call to action on this page uses your facebook username to create a 'chat with me' button. If you are always on FB messenger, this is a great way to connect with fb users.
Customizing Your Page
When customizing your landing page, there is a basic 1-2 rule to follow.
1. Customize all your options up top, from landing type to your background image. Start from left to right.
2. Customize your text on the page.
When using a custom image, try to select an image that is relevant! For example, if you are circle prospecting a neighborhood, you should find a picture of a neighborhood somewhere and use that image.
If you find an image somewhere, you can right-click it, and copy the image URL (or location) and paste that into the custom image prompt.
Want to setup listing alerts automatically for certain kinds of landing pages?
Saving Your Page
After everything looks good to you, click save on the upper right:
This finalizes the page, and the URL at the top becomes permanent. Be sure to save that URL! It's not saved anywhere else. So, it's up to you to save it into a spreadsheet or text file.
After your page is created, if you click the green share icon, you can start posting that page to facebook, and boosting it from your business page, or you can use the property boost service by clicking on the Kunversion icon and we will advertise it for you!