You can make use of a user guide to help a user get a complete understanding of a feature or a product. For example, this is how a user guide might look for using article template


Introduction to templates

Standardize your knowledge base by creating templates such as a simple FAQ-style article, step-by-step guides, How-To, Release notes, and a lot more. Your team can simply choose from the predefined templates and start creating their articles from there - saving them time.

Creating templates

  1. Go to Knowledge Base
  2. Click on the hamburger menu on the top left
  3. Select Article templates
  4. Click on New template and start creating your template

Mark a template as default to load it automatically while creating a new article. 

Using templates

  1. Once you save a template, click on Use template to open the template as a new article
  2. Make the relevant changes to the template and save the article

How To Make Your Leads/ Contacts "Private"

In JPAR Connect by BoldTrail , you can make your leads "Private".  Please be aware that if you choose this option, some other integrated software will not be able to match your buyers to JPAR listings.

It's important to note that, with JPAR Connect by BoldTrail , Agents cannot see your leads. Your leads are yours and they are not shared with other Agents.

You can, however, make your leads private from the "Company" which essentially hides your leads from the Support Team. Some Agents prefer to keep information about their leads and database private. That is completely okay.

If you make your contacts private, you may be limiting the ways in which the Support Team can assist if you have questions or concerns down the road. Making your contacts private means the Support Team can't assist in looking up details about the lead, where it was generated, or why it received certain communication from you.

To make your leads private, simply follow these steps:

1. Click The Dropdown In The Top Right (You'll see your email)

2. Click The Gear Icon In Your Profile

3. Flip The Switch That Says "Make Contacts Private"