Smart CRM
- View & Add New Leads, Contacts, & Clients
- Filter Leads Based On Type, Owner, Lead Details, or Behavior
Once you click on a lead, you can add alerts, add notes, view communication that went out to the leads, and more.
- View Your Listings or Listings In The MLS
- Send Listing To Leads Via Text or Email
- Post Listings To Facebook & Craigslist (needs JPAR Connect by BoldTrail Chrome Extension)
Marketing Autopilot
- Create Smart Drip Campaigns To Follow Up With Your Leads
- Smart Campaigns Can Contain Email, Call, Text Message, or Task
- Smart Campaigns can also change the status of a lead and add tags
Lead Engine
- Various Tools To Generate Leads
Landing Page
- Create and design a page that offers an item of value if the consumer registers as a lead. Promote and drive traffic to these pages to generate leads.
- List of Homes
- Home Valuation
- Market Analysis
Squeeze Page
- Create a specific list of homes based on home features or location. Promote and drive traffic to these pages to generate leads for that specific area.
Call Capture
- Create Custom Text Codes. Place text codes on marketing to entice consumers to generate leads.
Lead Dropbox
- Generating Leads From Other Sources? Connect those leads to kvCORE through the lead dropbox.
Bulk Import
- Import Leads or Clients via CSV
CMA Builder
- Create CMA for Clients
Web & IDX
Edit Website Settings
- Edit how the public facing side of your site functions
- View & Edit Testimonials
Service Areas and SEO
- Add areas that your JPAR Connect by BoldTrail site covers
Custom Pages
- Add/Edit Custom Pages
Blog Posts
- Add & Edit Blog Posts