Starting a team: 
  1. Team name - Team names must end in “team” or “group” and cannot contain the words “brokerage”, “company”, or “associates” or other similar terms. The team name must be registered with TREC BEFORE you start to use them in advertisements.
  2. DBA - Register your compliant team name with the county clerk and send your receipt. This way we can register the name with TREC so that you can advertise. 
  3. Complete the forms and send it back to  Each member of the team must fill out the team member form.  see attached.
  4. Important:  If the team member is under mentorship, the team lead fully agrees that team member will pay mentorship 30% of 3% side on anything team member needs to complete for graduation requirements (3Transactions). Team Form MUST be signed by the head of mentorship, Shannon Ashkinos. 

* Cap - Each member that is being added to the team will be adding 6 to the # of cap). 

If you are building a team, here are some resources you can access.  You might also want to schedule a strategy session with Tony, a support broker, or 3rd party coach. Email to set up a consultation.
